
The Watkins Glen Public Library depends on the generosity of its community to help fund collections, programs and services, access to the Internet, and so much more. Here are all the ways you can donate! 

Online Donations Using PayPal

Other Monetary Donations

We accept monetary donations of any size. Your donations directly support our mission to provide free and open access to information, recreational materials, services, and programs for the entire community. Both cash and checks are welcome. Donation envelopes can be requested at the circulation desk, or you can fill out and mail the form at the bottom of the page, along with your check, to:

Watkins Glen Public Library
610 S. Decatur Street
Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Checks can be made out to Watkins Glen Public Library.

Book and Material Donations

Donations of books and other materials (such as DVDs) are welcome, but reviewed using the same measures as materials purchased. The library reserves the right to reject or dispose of material gifts. If we are unable to incorporate donated materials into our collection, we may include them in the library’s annual book sale. Unsold items may be donated to another organization or discarded.

As of September 2023, the library is not currently accepting large donations due to limited space. We will have a window of donation time before the 2024 book sale.

Do not leave donations in the outside book drop or at the front door. Thank you for understanding.

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Donations of any size may be given to the library to honor or remember individuals. If a donation is made for the purchase of a particular book, a bookplate with the individual’s name will be placed inside the book.

Memorial bronze plaques on library bookcases can be purchased for $1,500. Other memorials may be available at the discretion of the Board upon recommendation of the director.

Bequests and Endowments

Including the Watkins Glen Public Library in your will or estate plan is one way to help ensure the library will be enjoyed by generations to come!

Use AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is a program that donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to a charitable organization of your choice (like us!). All you need to do is start your shopping at, and select the Watkins Glen Public Library as your charity. The donation will be made at no extra cost to you based on your eligible purchases. 

Ready to shop? Click here!

We appreciate your support!